Members of the Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS) are invited to take part in elections for two positions on the SLLS Executive Committee as set forth in the Society’s Constitution.

We are seeking nominations for: 
Executive Committee members are elected for three years (with the exception of the President Elect who serves for four years: one year as President Elect, two years as President, and one year as Past President, and the Honorary Treasurer who also serves for four years). Current Ordinary Members at the end of their three-year term are eligible to stand for re-election. Please see the Ordinary Member role description at the bottom of this page.

All committee members are expected to be present (either in person or online) at Executive Committee meetings which are held during the annual conference and one or two additional times per year. Committee members may be from any country. Terms in office will begin at the end of September 2024, following on from the Society’s annual conference and Annual General Meeting.
Nominations must be from, and of, registered members of the Society and require at least one proposer and seconder. Self-nominations are encouraged. 

The closing date for nominations is 30th June 2024. Voting will then take place on-line from 8th July 2024, with a closing date of 31st July 2024. Elected members will be formally announced at the SLLS AGM on 24th September 2024, taking place during the Society’s conference.

Ordinary Member Role Description
The Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies is a Registered Charity in England and Wales, No. 1144426.
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