Fostering the development of early career researchers is a key part of SLLS. We aim to support ECRs to become research leaders and to shape the future of longitudinal and lifecourse studies.

What is an ECR?
- An undergraduate or PhD student studying and working in the field of longitudinal and lifecourse studies

- A researcher or educator in the field of longitudinal and lifecourse studies, who has recently completed their PhD (within approximately 5 years of your award, full time equivalent).

- Someone who is new to the discipline of longitudinal and lifecourse studies - perhaps moving into the area from another field.

ECRs at the SLLS Annual Conference
Each year, the conference will feature dedicated scientific, social and networking events, tailored to the needs of ECRs. It will provide a forum for ECRs to meet and get to know one another, and to network with senior academics too. If you’ve never come to the SLLS Conference before, we would love to see you this year! We are planning more ECR events than ever before and it promises to be a particularly friendly, supportive and sociable conference.

Your ECR Representatives
Jessica Ordemann and Thomas O'Toole speak up for the interests of ECRs in the Society. They represent the views of the ECR membership to the SLLS Executive Committee at their meetings. They are your contacts if you wish to get more involved with the Society or suggest ideas for ECR-focussed events or initiatives.

Your Views
Jessica and Thomas would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how the Society can better serve the needs of ECRs and support their careers in longitudinal and lifecourse research. They also welcome all feedback (good, bad and everything in between) on the Society’s current efforts to support and engage ECRs. Contributions to this webpage are also very welcome.

SLLS ECR Seminar Series
Thomas and Jessica also organise regular ECR career and research spotlights from colleagues both in and out of academia. Please let them know if you are interested in a talk about a specific career pathway or would like to present your work.

SLLS Mentoring Scheme
Would you find it fruitful to have access to career advice from a designated senior member of SLLS? We hope to introduce an ECR mentoring scheme in the near future… Watch this space!

Group Co-ordinators
Jessica Ordemann, DZHW       [email protected]
Thomas O'Toole, University of Manchester       [email protected]

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Communication preferences

The Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies is a Registered Charity in England and Wales, No. 1144426.
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