Benefits of Membership
1. Subscription to our peer reviewed journal, Longitudinal and Life Course Studies.
2. Newsletters with news and events in longitudinal and life course research.
3. Substantially reduced fees for attendance at the Society’s annual conference.
4. A link with your regional Global Representative, who promotes SLLS in your region and organises local activities.
5. Collaborative contacts throughout the global longitudinal and life course research community.
6. An opportunity to be involved with the Society's working groups: Policy Group, Interdisciplinary Health Research Group, Cohort Network, and the Refugees Across the Life Course Group.
7. An opportunity to be part of the Society's Early Career Network.
8. Access to theory and methods including our annual summer school.
9. The opportunity to make nominations, be nominated, and vote in elections for the future SLLS President and Executive Committee.
Sign up for 1 year
Please note - Renewals are automatic but you can cancel at any time.
Membership runs by calendar year, January to December.
Sign up for 3 years
Pay for 3 years in advance and get a discount!
Please note
When you sign up for this 3-year plan, the subscription form will still show £xx per year. We won't actually bill you this amount every year, even though it says we will. Once you sign up, we will adjust your renewal date forward by two years.
Membership runs by calendar year, January to December.